CEDRA Overview

"Heavy Truck, Wide Load Routing, Albany, New York"
Company Introduction
Incorporated in 1985, The CEDRA Corporation is a software developer
as well as a provider of consulting services to municipal (local, state and federal agencies)
and private organizations. CEDRA offers a wide range of consulting services including:
(a) needs assessments, (b) hardware and software implementation, (c) software development,
(d) data capture and maintenance and (e) system maintenance to name a few. CEDRA has been
installing and assisting users in maintaining their computing environments since its formation.
It should be noted that CEDRA staff is not only composed of GIS specialists but also civil
engineers with experience in private and commercial development, roadway, wastewater, water,
storm water, surveying and other civil engineering types of projects. This combination of
GIS and Engineering experience enables CEDRA to fully understand issues that Public Works,
Engineering and Utility departments in a City are faced with and how GIS can assist them in
their operations.
An example of CEDRA's experience in dealing with multiple departments in a City is the City
of Edmond, Oklahoma. The City of Edmond has implemented Esri technology city-wide and it is
a vital component of the City's daily operations. CEDRA is working with the City assisting
them in maintaining their wastewater, water, storm water, parcel, plats, easement, zoning,
engineering projects, street centerline and annotation datasets. These datasets are stored
in a SQL Server SDE enterprise geodatabase and are utilized by the City's Planning,
Engineering, Utility and Zoning departments. CEDRA staff coordinates with these departments
to ensure the datasets are current and accurate.
For the Zoning department CEDRA performs geometry and positional checks on proposed legal
descriptions submitted to the City. These are time sensitive assignments and as such CEDRA
submits responses to these assignments within 24 hours. Depending upon the time frame, same
day response has been provided.
In addition to maintaining the City's geodatabase CEDRA provides custom application
development. This development work has been for ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online
and mobile environments. In the ArcGIS Desktop environment, the custom application development
work has been to streamline and automate City operations. The Traffic Sign Updating and
Maintenance tool developed by CEDRA for the City is an excellent example of automating
repetitive tasks. This tool was created to import GPS data pertaining to the City's traffic
signs and update the SDE traffic sign geodatabase. The manual operation would take hours to
complete and was prone to user error during the processing. Using the custom developed tool,
the updating process was reduced to minutes and the chance for user error eliminated.
The ArcGIS Server applications are for internal use by City staff and are JavaScript based
applications using Esri's JavaScript API. These applications employ responsive web design
and as such can operate on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. A few of the applications
CEDRA staff were involved in developing include the following:
Mapping System Application which is used to create the City's atlas and utility maps at user defined scales and desired map size.
Wastewater Line Maintenance Application which is used to mark completed inspections of wastewater lines according to fiscal year. This application is used by the City's Wastewater Line Maintenance Crews when performing TV, Saw and Hydro work.
Emergency Management Application which is used to edit the City's storm shelter registration information. This application is used by the City's Emergency Management department.
Urban Forestry Application which is used in maintaining and editing public tree inventory information. This application is used by the City's Urban Forestry department.
Vegetation Management Application which is used to mark completed maintenance work for trees near power lines. This application is used by the City's Urban Forestry department.
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The City of Edmond also creates public facing applications. In these instances, ArcGIS Online
is used to create and publish the application. An example of this is the City's Art in
Public Places application which is used for finding and identifying public art.
CEDRA also provides the City assistance in interfacing the City's GIS with other City
software such as Azteca's Cityworks and Autodesk's AutoCAD software. CEDRA is extremely
proficient in interfacing Esri datasets with other software. PECO Energy Company,
Pennsylvania, Greater Sudbury, Ontario and Wayne County, New York are clients where CEDRA
provided services for developing workflows, training materials and software for exchanging
GIS data with non-Esri software including Bentley CAD and Hexagon's 911 Software.
Bradford County, Florida is a client in which CEDRA provided training, developed standards
and workflows for using and maintaining Esri software and data by County staff. These
documents were initially created for the ArcView 3.x environment and later modified for the
ArcGIS 10.x and ArcGIS Pro environments. CEDRA is currently assisting the County on
implementing ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online on a County-wide basis. CEDRA's primary
responsibilities in this project include: (a) configuration of ArcGIS Online, (b) data
acquisition, (c) map and application generation and (d) training of County staff with the
goal of making County staff self-sufficient. CEDRA has also assisted the County in
establishing a Web Story Map display illustrating the damage the County incurred during
Hurricane Irma.
Recognizing that a successful project begins with good communication between the client
and the vendor. CEDRA is a strong proponent of: (a) conducting project progress meetings,
(b) issuing project progress reports, (c) implementing a project correspondence system as
well as (d) developing a project question/resolution form. These administrative tools
provide a mechanism for keeping the client well informed and mitigating issues before they
can become major issues adversely affecting the project.
Summarizing, the above information is intended to demonstrate that: (a) CEDRA is experienced
and (b) has the technical expertise to provide services in a professional and timely manner.