Ordering CEDRA Software

"Waste Water, Water and Storm Water Utility Mapping, Edmond, Oklahoma"
CEDRA Order Forms
Ordering CEDRA software is accomplished by filling out a CEDRA order form for the desired product(s). For example, to order the CEDRA-AGsuite software, simply click on this link to display the order form. Once the form appears, simply fill in the information requested in the form and return the form to The CEDRA Corporation via fax, e-mail or mail. CEDRA software can be shipped via mail (conventional or express) or downloaded from our FTP site.
To download an order form for a demo version with Tutorial Manual of a CEDRA Software product click on this link. Once the order form has been downloaded, fill-in the requested information at the bottom of the form and then fax, e-mail or mail the order form back to The CEDRA Corporation. To see what's included in the demo version of the software click here CEDRA Demo Pack Information.
Demo Packs are an excellent way for users to try out CEDRA functionality with no time constraints. All CEDRA functionality is included in the Demo Packs. The only restriction is the size of the datasets that can be accessed by the software.
To request an order form for a specific CEDRA Software product click on this link.
All CEDRA Software products are licensed as per the terms of the CEDRA Software License Agreement.