ArcGIS based Software Extensions
Comprehensive Software for Mapping, Design, Modeling, Data Maintenance...
The CEDRA Corporation offers to municipalities, utility companies and consulting engineering firms ArcGIS based software extensions as well as consulting and application development services:
- ArcGIS Desktop based application software for:
CAD like drafting/drawing functionality as well as deed transcription - CEDRA-AVcad,- COGO functionality including the creation and editing of highway spirals - CEDRA-AVcogo,
- Parcel mapping and maintenance - CEDRA-AVparcel,
- Roadway design - CEDRA-AVland,
- Sewer modeling - CEDRA-AVsand,
- Water Distribution modeling - CEDRA-AVwater,
- DXF Exporting - CEDRA-DxfExport,
- Desktop and Server Based application software for:
Data Entry and Maintenance - CEDRA-DataEditor,- Viewing, Exporting, Buffering and Editing tools - CEDRA-AGSTools.
- Additional Services include:
Data capture and database building.- Customized ArcGIS Server application development.
- Customized application development and/or conversion.